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Do You Need an Aggressive Attorney for your Child Custody?

When a married couple encounters too many obstacles, divorce seems like a valid solution. In the past several years, the number of couples divorcing increased drastically, almost to the point where every 4th couple ends up divorcing.

In the ruins of a divorce remains the question – what happens to the children?

Determining Child Custody is a difficult and complicated process. Many things are involved in the process, and only a skilled legal professional can deal with it.

Here is why you should hire an aggressive attorney to fight your custody battle.

You don’t get a second chance

Once the decision has been made, the custody of the children will be granted to the winning parent. Whoever wins the custody will get to wake up every morning and watch their children grow. The side that loses the “custody war” will, unfortunately, see their children (if allowed) once, or maybe twice per week/month.

Now that you know that there everything is at stake, would you still have the courage to bet on yourself as your own legal representative, or would you rather hire an aggressive attorney?

Custody Battles are Complicated and Exhausting

What do you know about Child Custody? Have you done your research? Luckily for you, our attorneys are skilled in helping individuals with their custody battles. If you give us a call on time, we will schedule a free consultation for you where you will be able to learn everything about custody, what you have to do to be eligible to receive it, as well as other options which are available. Our Salt Lake City Child Custody attorneys care for you and want to help you keep the custody of your children. Don’t let your spouse take them away just because he/she hired an attorney. Even the odds, and shift them in your favor with our magnificent attorneys representing your case.

Important Factors That Will Determine Your Children’s Future

When filing for Divorce in Salt Lake City, you have to be aware of the key factors that the state of Utah will take into consideration. These factors are as following:

  • Judging each parent based on their financial standing and the ability to make their child’s welfare, as well as take care of them and their best interests

  • Measuring each parent’s competency level in raising their children before the divorce

  • Judging each parent based on their will to support the relationship between the children and the other parent

  • Current living location of every parent

  • Both parents will be checked for past criminal deeds. Having a criminal record is a huge disadvantage

  • Any previous acts of violence and abusement will put a parent at a huge disadvantage

  • Child’s desire and preference (if the child is mature enough, usually 18+)

Once all of these factors are taken into consideration, the decision will be made by the judges. The only way to avoid these complications is to strike a deal with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, and agree to co-parent with shared obligations.

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